The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North

Articles from the March 20, 2016 edition

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  • Realistic environmentalist

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Jan 26, 2018

    What do green energy activism, the Pyramid copper project in Alaska, and taking a Tesla Model S sedan on a road trip across North America have in common? The short answer is Gianni Kovacevic. A self-proclaimed "realistic environmentalist" and chairman of CopperBank Resources Corp., Kovacevic has a foot in each the mining and green energy sectors – industries with a symbiotic relationship that has yet to be fully appreciated. To raise awareness about this symbiotic relationship...

  • Rounding out the potential for Alaska graphite in lithium batteries

    Updated Jan 26, 2018

    Graphite One Resources Inc. March 10 reported the start of development test work to produce carbon-coated spherical graphite from graphite sourced from its Graphite Creek deposit near Nome, Alaska. Carbon-coated spherical graphite is the finished product used in lithium-ion batteries. The spherical shape allows the graphite to be more efficiently packed into battery cells, while the coating extends the graphite's lifetime capacity. "Production of carbon-coated spherical graphite will be a key step for us," said Graphite One...

  • DGGS finds undocumented gold, copper occurrences south of Tok

    Shane Lasley|Updated Mar 20, 2016

    Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys March 10 published a preliminary report on mineral occurrences observed during a 10-day preliminary geologic reconnaissance of the Tok River area in preparation for a proposed 2016 mapping project. This work included sampling of Hona, a gold-copper target about 17 miles southwest of the community of Tok; a previously undocumented lode gold occurrence about five miles southwest of Hona; and a placer deposit about 3.5 miles to...

  • Silence on public lands is deafening

    J. P. Tangen, Special to Mining News|Updated Mar 20, 2016

    God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion. … [T]he tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. - Thomas Jefferson, 1787 For openers, it appears that neither of the leading contenders for the presidency of the United States has identified any significant positions on the development of natural resources on public lands. Sen. (Hillary) Clinton, D-NY, it may be presumed, will emulate her predecessor and casually...

  • Ice road delivers; Gahcho Kué ready for 2016 start

    Shane Lasley|Updated Mar 20, 2016

    Mountain Province Diamonds Inc. March 14 reported that development of the Gahcho Kué diamond mine is more than 87 percent complete and remains on track to begin production during the second half of this year. "Key areas of focus are remaining earthworks, commissioning of the primary crusher and diamond plant, pre-stripping and stockpiling of kimberlite as well as preparations for operational readiness," said Mountain Province President and CEO Patrick Evans. "We are also...