The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North

Articles from the November 24, 2013 edition

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  • Federal stranglehold tops AMA dialogue 

    Shane Lasley , Mining News |Updated Nov 24, 2013

    ANCHORAGE - "Mining in Alaska: Build it, keep it, grow it" was the theme of the Alaska Miners Association 2013 Convention, but "screwed by the federal government" was an underlying refrain that permeated conversations from chats over coffee to keynote speeches at the annual gathering. "If there is a poster-child for being screwed by the federal government, Alaska is the one," Rep. Doc Hastings, R-Washington told the mining community during his Nov. 6 opening speech at the convention. The latest in this series of posters...

  • Exploration outlook brightens for 2014

    Curt Freeman, For Mining News|Updated Nov 24, 2013

    For those of you that could not attend, the annual Alaska Miners Association Convention and Trade Show was well-attended, with most people pleasantly surprised by the strong turnout. Compared to a year ago, more companies are planning to get back in the field with exploration and development programs in 2014, a sentiment making up one of the few bright spots in a recent IntierraRMG resource sector exploration summary. This report and a similar snapshot of the exploration...

  • Court upholds river arrest by Park Service 

    J. P. Tangen , Special to Mining News |Updated Nov 24, 2013

    At the end of October this year, the U.S. District Court for the District of Alaska handed down a case brought by Alaskan John Sturgeon, as another in a long list of decisions upholding the federal government's power to circumscribe our rights to use reasonable and appropriate methods of access to remote areas of the State. Without criticizing either the outcome or the reasoning that was used to achieve that outcome, this case, if it withstands appeal, will be just one additional landmark along the way to the apparent...

  • Junior refines new White Gold discovery

    Rose Ragsdale, For Mining News|Updated Nov 24, 2013

    Splayed across several steep slopes that plunge into the Yukon River some 78 kilometers (48.4 miles) south of Dawson City in Yukon Territory, the early-stage QV Project is beginning to answer some geological questions that surfaced at least four years ago. That's when Underworld Resources Inc. captured international attention with the discovery of the Golden Saddle gold deposit on its White Gold Project nearby and touched off a modern-day gold rush to the Yukon. Underworld since has been acquired by Kinross Gold Corp., and th...

  • Law firms eye feeding frenzy at Pretium

    Rose Ragsdale, For Mining News|Updated Nov 24, 2013

    While Pretium Resources Inc. continues to explore for gold at its Brucejack Project in northern British Columbia, a disagreement between the junior's two technical consultants, Snowden Mining Industry Consultants of Perth, AU and Toronto-based Strathcona Mineral Services Ltd. and the resignation of Strathcona in early October has ignited a firestorm of controversy over the validity of the gold resource reported for the project's Valley of the Kings zone in 2012, and sparked a flurry of class-action lawsuits against the...

  • AMA sets tenor of fundraising season 

    Shane Lasley , Mining News |Updated Nov 24, 2013

    The Alaska Miners Association's annual convention marks the changing of seasons for junior exploration companies with mineral projects in Alaska. As a blanket of snow hides outcropping rocks and the water needed for drilling crystalizes, geologists who have spent the long summer days investigating the vast mineral endowment across the Far North trade in their hammers, backpacks and hiking boots for suits, ties and PowerPoint presentations that show off the achievements of their latest field programs. While the 2013...

  • Junior reports new finds at Chidliak

    Rose Ragsdale, For Mining News|Updated Nov 24, 2013

    In the wake of the departure of its former option partner, De Beers Canada Inc., Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. has reported discovery during the 2013 summer exploration program of three new kimberlite bodies at the Chidliak diamond project located 120 kilometers (75 miles) northeast of Iqaliut, the capital of Nunavut. Discovered in 2008, the Chidliak Project covers 7,480 square kilometers (2,888 square miles) on South Baffin Island. Peregrine acquired 100 percent ownership of the project in February 2012, buying out the 51 percent...

  • Pogo provides golden jobs in Interior

    Shane Lasley, Mining News|Updated Nov 24, 2013

    Miners in Alaska make good money! How good? Well, a report recently published by the McDowell Group found that the 329 direct employees at the Pogo gold mine averaged a whopping US$116,916 before benefits during 2012. Roughly 217 of these six-figure paychecks were brought home by Alaskans, including about 167 going to employees living in the Interior region of the state where the high-grade underground mine is located. "Mining is good for Alaska and Pogo, specifically, is an...