The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North
president & CEO: Tim J. Termuende, B.Sc., P.Geo.
Chairman: John Anderson
Exploration Manager: Allan Armitage, P.Geo.
Northern Freegold Resources Ltd., founded in 2006, is a precious metals exploration and development company focused on the development of economic mineral resources at the district-scale Freegold Mountain gold and copper project in the Yukon Territory.
The Freegold Mountain Project is located in the Whitehorse Mining District about 70 kilometers northwest of Carmacks.
Freegold Mountain's district-scale land package covers an area in excess of 77 square miles, or 200 square kilometers.
An aggressive C$5.7 million exploration program on the Freegold Mountain Project has been under way since mid-May aimed at completing 16,000 meters of diamond drilling, deep-penetration Titan 24 Induced Polarization surveys, soil geochemical surveys, and geological mapping and sampling.
Work focused on upgrading the gold-copper-silver-molybdenum Revenue Zone from target deposit to inferred resource; diamond drilling, if warranted, on the Stoddart copper-gold-molybdenum zone; potential expansion and further definition of the existing indicated and inferred resources at the Nucleus gold-copper-silver deposit (currently 1.1 million ounces gold indicated and 630,000 oz gold inferred); and exploration and possible definition drilling of the Tinta Zone.
Northern Freegold's managers believe the Revenue target deposit, the Nucleus deposit and the Stoddart zone are all part of a large-scale gold-rich porphyry system, which extends in an east-west direction for more than 6 kilometers (4 miles).
The system has the potential to host multimillion-ounce gold resources with multibillion-pound copper resources similar to other porphyry deposits in the region.
Northern Freegold also owns other Yukon properties and the 2,000-acre Burro Creek gold-silver property in Arizona where it has estimated 122,000-ounce indicated and 82,000-ounce inferred gold-equivalent resources.
The company was negotiating the sale of Burro Creek this summer for about C$4 million, and the transaction was expected to close in November.
Cash and short-term deposits: C$2.73 million (at June 30, 2011)
Working capital: C$469,537 (at June 30, 2011; raised more than C$8.37 million in financing in August 2011)
Market capitalization: C$33.76 million (Sept. 9, 2011)
Suite 900, 475 Howe St.
Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6C 2B3
Tel: 604-893-8757 Fax: 604-893-8758
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