The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North

Unga drilling set for April

Redstar Gold Corp. March 31 said it plans to start a phase-1 drill program at its Unga Gold project in April.

The roughly 1,500 meters of drilling will primarily focus on outlining the high-grade gold mineralization at the Shumagin prospect, the highest priority target among numerous targets on the company's Unga property located in the Aleutian Arc of Southwest Alaska.

The drill program is the first to be undertaken since 2011 and will augment the considerable existing database of more than 50 historic holes of the high-grade Shumagin gold prospect.

This first drill program carried out at Unga since 2011 follows up on encouraging results from the 2014 summer surface exploration program at the project.

The work tested two prospective areas along the Shumigan trend - Shumigan and Aquila - both known to host previously-documented mineralization.

Rock chip sampling at Shumigan produced results of up to 9.93 grams-per-metric-ton gold and 74.4 g/t silver from quartz vein breccias and stockwork that occur in surface outcrops.

At the Aquila prospect, situated at the western end of the Shumigan trend, a series of reconnaissance soil lines produced scattered results of about 50 parts-per-billion gold (up to 197 ppb gold) and 0.5-1.3 g/t silver (up to 3.51 g/t silver).

The company's work also included a comprehensive review of historic drill core, a detailed audit of the historic assay data, and a re-evaluation of the potential mode of emplacement of the mineralizing fluids.

In addition to the numerous targets along the Shumagin and Apollo-Sitka Trends on Unga Island; Redstar said it is exploring the Centennial prospect on nearby Popof Island that hosts an extensive surface exposure of gold mineralization.

Author Bio

Shane Lasley, Publisher

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Over his more than 16 years of covering mining and mineral exploration, Shane has become renowned for his ability to report on the sector in a way that is technically sound enough to inform industry insiders while being easy to understand by a wider audience.


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