The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North

New high-grade copper zone at Caribou Dome

Coventry Resources Inc. Sept. 30 provided assay results for three holes drilled its Caribou Dome copper project located about 155 miles northeast of Anchorage.

CD15-15, the first of six holes drilled to test for extensions of the new copper-sulphide mineralization discovered at the Lense 7/8 Target, cut 3.5 meters averaging 9.3 percent copper from 72.9 meters and 1.9 meters averaging 10.8 percent copper from 116 meters.

The company said multiple intervals of semi-massive to massive copper-sulphide mineralization have been intersected in all six holes drilled at Lense 7/8.

CD15-16, the first hole drilled to evaluate an induced polarization anomaly at the Lense 6 East Target, intersected the sequence of sedimentary rocks that host high-grade mineralization elsewhere at Caribou Dome.

A narrow zone of sulfides that returned 0.5 meters grading 0.5 percent copper was cut at 105.4 meters.

A second hole is currently being drilled to further evaluate this target and to help determine the significance of a fault and the mineralization intersected in hole 16.

CD15-17, the first hole to test a strong IP anomaly at the eastern end of the Caribou South Target, did not cut any significant mineralization.

The company plans to test the western end of Caribou South with another hole.

Assay results are pending for another 10 holes drilled at Caribou Dome, including five holes drilled at Lense 7/8.

Author Bio

Shane Lasley, Publisher

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Over his more than 16 years of covering mining and mineral exploration, Shane has become renowned for his ability to report on the sector in a way that is technically sound enough to inform industry insiders while being easy to understand by a wider audience.


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