The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North

Mining Explorers 2015: Independence Gold Corp.


President and CEO: Randy Turner

VP, Exploration: David Pawliuk

Independence Gold Corp. focused its 2015 exploration on drilling the Sunset and Denali zones of its Boulevard gold project, which wraps the west and south sides of Kaminak Gold Corp.'s Coffee project in the Yukon Territory.

The Sunset zone is a 2,200-meter-long gold-in-soil anomaly located seven kilometers (4.4 miles) southwest of Kaminak's Coffee deposit.

Trench results of up to 7.04 g/t gold across six meters and drill intercepts of up to 2.42 g/t gold across 6.26 meters have been encountered at Sunset.

An initial eight holes drilled at Sunset tested this northeast trending geochemical anomaly that coincides with magnetic low geophysical anomalies.

The best intercepts from this drilling at Sunrise was 7.23 grams per metric ton gold across 12.2 meters in hole BV15-31.

The initial round of drilling also included five RC holes at the Denali zone, which is located about 14 kilometers (nine miles) west of Kaminak's Coffee deposit.

This drilling followed on trench results of 4.56 g/t gold across 10 meters and a 700-meter-long gold-in-soil anomaly.

Hole YCS15-03, the best intercept at Denali, cut 6.1 meters grading 4.25 g/t gold.

Given the success of the initial drilling, Independence opted to carry out a second 1,400-meter phase of 2015 drilling to expand the Sunshine zone.

To accommodate the added drilling at Boulevard, the company deferred a planned 800-meter drill program at the Henderson project, a gold property that covers a placer mining area along North Henderson Creek some 60 kilometers (37 miles) south of Dawson City. Cross-cutting fault structures are interpreted to underlie stretches of the creek where large gold nuggets have been discovered. Independence believes that gold-bearing quartz veins forming at these fault intersections could be the source of the abundant coarse gold found in Henderson Creek.

In addition to Boulevard and Henderson, Independence Gold holds a number of other properties in the Yukon's White Gold district. The company also owns the 3Ts gold-silver project located about 20 kilometers (12 miles south of New Gold's Blackwater gold deposit in central British Columbia. Two veins at 3Ts, Tommy and Ted-Mint, host a combined inferred resource of 5.45 million metric tons averaging 2.52 g/t (441,000 ounces) gold and 71.5 g/t (12.54 million oz.) silver.

Cash and short-term deposits: C$7.3 million (June 30, 2015)

Working capital: C$6.8 million (June 30, 2015)

Market capitalization: C$3.51 million (Sept. 1, 2015)

P.O. Box 11584, 650 West Georgia Street, Suite 1410

Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 4N8

Tel: 604-687-3959 • Fax: 604-687-1448


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