The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North

Tests show strong Herbert gold recoveries

North of 60 Mining News – November 22, 2019

Grande Portage Resources Ltd. Nov. 19 reported that recent metallurgical tests show that gravity plus floatation has the potential to recover more than 97 percent of the gold and 90 percent of the silver from the vein material at its Herbert Gold project in Southeast Alaska.

The company submitted samples collected from two different veins on the Herbert property to an independent lab in British Columbia for testing.

Sample 54543 was taken from a 1.59-meter channel cut perpendicular across an outcrop of the Main Vein. The second sample, 54546, was a 1.65-meter channel sample taken from a surface exposure of the Deep Trench Vein.

Sample 54543 averaged 5.04 grams per metric ton gold and 5 g/t silver; and sample 54546 averaged 18.09 g/t gold and 10 g/t silver.

Using gravity followed by flotation, 98.2 percent of the gold and 91.7 percent of the silver was recovered from the sample collected from Main Vein (54543); and 96.9 percent of the gold and 93 percent of the silver was recovered from Deep Trench Vein sample (54546).

"These metallurgical results are a very important development for our project. The combined gravity and flotation recovery of gold averaging >99 percent of the higher-grade and >97 percent of the lower-grade material and >90 percent of the silver are an outstanding feature to what makes the Herbert look so attractive," said Grande Portage Resources President and CEO Ian Klassen. "These results, in addition to previously published metallurgical findings, represent a significant milestone for the company in its advancement of the project."

Located about 19 miles north of Juneau, Alaska's capital, Herbert Gold hosts 1.88 million metric tons of indicated resource average 10.03 g/t (605,000 ounces) gold; plus 553,429 metric tons of inferred resource averaging 14.15 g/t (251,700 oz) gold.

This resource is contained within three primary structures at Herbert Gold – Goat, Main and Deep Trench.



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