The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North

Final hole from White Gold's Betty Ford

Results may have uncovered a new breccia unit off of target North of 60 Mining News – November 17, 2023

White Gold Corp. Nov. 14 announced the final drill results from the Betty Ford target on the company's Betty property in Yukon, Canada, revealing the consistency of wide high-grade gold intersections and continuity of mineralization at this highly prospective target.

Reporting the results from the first two holes in September and the third just last week, the final hole from the Betty Ford drill program has returned results that elevate Betty Ford to an undoubtedly high-priority target.

"We are very encouraged by the structural and geological setting of Betty Ford, along with the consistency of wide high-grade gold intersections," said White Gold Exploration Manager Cameron Norton. "Results from the 2023 drilling, coupled with previously reported drilling since 2021, has progressively developed a better understanding of the geology and mineralization at the Betty Ford target. When interpreted alongside the broader regional geology of the property, the Betty Ford target and Betty property represent a high priority target for generating future mineral resources within the evolving White Gold District."

Highlights from the first three holes drilled at Betty Ford include:

8.3 meters averaging 1.2 g/t gold from a depth of 166.7 meters in hole BETFD23D012.

53 meters averaging 3.38 g/t gold from 18 meters in BETFD23D013.

46.5 meters averaging 2.96 g/t gold from 11.5 meters in BETFD23D014.

Results from the latest hole, BETFD23D015, include 20.85 meters averaging 5.04 g/t gold within the near-surface oxide domain from a depth of 18.7 meters, which includes two higher-grade subintervals cutting 2.3 meters averaging 13.34 g/t gold and 2.05 meters averaging 11.47 g/t gold.

Furthermore, White Gold says a zone of gold mineralization was also encountered deeper within the sulfide domain of the host breccia unit, returning 28.55 meters averaging 0.44 g/t gold from a depth of 107.85 meters, which includes a subinterval of 6.15 meters averaging 1.38 g/t gold.

The 2023 diamond drilling also encountered a second breccia unit approximately 30 to 50 meters north of the main gold-bearing breccia, with the potential for near-surface gold mineralization in the oxide portion of this breccia remaining untested.

With the final results coming in from the 1,165 meters drilled at Betty Ford, as part of its larger 4,000-meter program slotted for 2023 – five holes totaling 1,022 meters drilled at the Vertigo target reported at the beginning of September, and maiden drilling at the Cali target for roughly 900 meters, White Gold has accomplished about three-quarters of its intended program so far.


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