The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North

Silver North gets Coeur confirmation for Tim

North of 60 Mining News - March 29, 2024

Will begin 2,000-meter drill program in June.

Silver North Resources Ltd. March 27 announced the plans for its upcoming 2024 drilling program at its Tim property, aiming for approximately 2,000 meters of drilling sometime in June.

"We are excited to see drilling at Tim this year," said Silver North Vice President of Exploration Rob Duncan. "Coeur has carried out an excellent program leading to this drill test."

Located roughly 72 kilometers (45 miles) west of Watson Lake and 19 kilometers (12 miles) north of Coeur Mining's Silvertip silver-lead-zinc project, the Tim property comprises 72 mineral claims that are currently under option with Coeur to explore this highly prospective carbonate replacement deposit.

Previous work at Tim has identified silver mineralization in trenches dating back to the 1980s, with a 2022 program conducted by Coeur verifying trench samples. Highlights include: four meters averaging 468.1 grams per metric ton silver, 21.1% lead, and 0.3% zinc; and 8.8 meters averaging 265 g/t silver, 6.7% lead, and 0.9% zinc around 200 meters along strike.

Planning to get drills turning in June, Coeur intends to complete drilling, geochemical sampling, as well as drill pad and access development with its crews operating out of the Silvertip Mine Camp.

Approximately 2,000 meters are planned from up to six drill pads to test the potential for CRD-style mineralization along nearly 2,000 meters of strike length.

Still under option to earn a 51% interest in the property, Coeur must complete a minimum of C$3.15 million (US$2.3 million) in additional exploration expenditures along with cash payments totaling C$275,000 (US$203,000) to Silver North by Dec. 31, 2026.

Up to 80% can be acquired by Coeur with additional payments of C$100,000 (US$74,000) per year for 2027 and 2028, along with a positive feasibility study and confirming the intention to develop a mine at Tim by Dec. 16, 2028.

"With their knowledge and experience exploring the CRD system(s) in the Silvertip district, we are able to leverage this expertise in our efforts to bring a new silver discovery to bear for our shareholders," finished Duncan.


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