The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North

Trifecta dives into Mt. Hinton exploration

North of 60 Mining News - July 19, 2024

Begins comprehensive, multifaceted program to better understand highly prospective project.

Trifecta Gold Ltd. July 16 announced that crew and equipment have been mobilized to carry out an exploration program to further delineate known zones of mineralization and identify new targets at its Mt. Hinton gold-silver project in Yukon, Canada.

Trifecta Gold is a Canadian-based precious metals exploration company that holds projects in Yukon and Nevada. These include the Yuge gold project in Nevada, the Eureka project in Yukon's southern Klondike Goldfields, and the Treble project located between Western Copper and Gold's Casino project and Rockhaven's Klaza project.

Earlier this year, Trifecta entered into an option agreement to acquire a portfolio of highly prospective gold projects from prolific Yukon-focused minerals project generator Strategic Metals. This portfolio includes the flagship Mt. Hinton property and ten other properties within Yukon's Tombstone Gold Belt.

Covering approximately 30,000 hectares (74,132 acres) of land, the properties being acquired from Strategic also include Rye, Lance, Liam, Lois, Leroy, Luke, Leah, Lisa, Husky, and Naws.

Located adjacent to Hecla Mining Company's Keno Hill Silver project, Mt. Hinton is a road-accessible, camp-scale property with over 60 precious metals veins identified to date.

A direct extension of the stratigraphy that hosts Hecla's Keno mine, much of the historic exploration at Mt. Hinton focused on these veins. Visible gold has been found in many of the known veins, resulting in several bonanza-grade assays being reported from surface grab and chip samples.

Highlights from these past exploration forays include:

A 2,340 grams per metric ton gold rock sample reported by Strategic in August 2019.

A 202 g/t gold grab sample from the Granite North target at Mt. Hinton in September 2019.

A sample of over 200 g/t gold over 1.2 meters reported in July 2020.

Discovery of 85 Vein with float samples averaging 273 g/t gold and 138.5 g/t gold; outcrop samples from 15 veins up to 126.5 g/t gold, and sampling from 19 Vein returning float samples up 101 g/t gold reported as recently as January 2023.

Exploration plans

With the crew and equipment now mobilized, Trifecta Gold reports it has designed a multifaceted exploration program for Mt. Hinton.

This includes roughly 1,500 meters of drilling at the SW Zone and No. 5 Vein, parallel structures located 700 meters apart that have been traced on surface for 900 and 420 meters of strike, respectively, and over 200 meters vertically.

The SW Zone was successfully drilled by Strategic Metals in 2020, yielding promising results. Meanwhile, the No. 5 Vein was targeted by United Keno Hill Mines in 1980 and Mill City in 2011 with shallow percussion drill holes.

Despite identifying visible gold, the historical drilling by UKHM did not assay for gold, and 3D modeling by Trifecta has so far demonstrated that most of these historical drill holes did not reach the target depth.

Additional road-accessible targets, the 85 Vein and the 73 Vein, will also be tested based on drill productivity.

The 85 Vein is characterized by quartz vein boulder float, with the best samples returning 273 g/t gold with 284 g/t silver and 138.5 g/t gold with 57.5 g/t silver. The 73 Vein, discovered by soil sampling, was intersected in a historical percussion hole grading 31.7 g/t gold and 23 g/t silver over 1.52 meters.

An airborne geophysical survey, consisting of a 440-line kilometer Z-Axis Tipper Electromagnetic (ZTEM) and magnetic surveys, is scheduled to begin shortly. This survey will cover the Granite Creek basin and areas to the south and east, helping to highlight alteration, structures, and intrusive bodies.

Further exploration will also include detailed geological mapping and geochemical soil sampling to refine the understanding of the mineralization and guide future drilling programs.

This work will be part of a multi-year research program in the Keno Hill District in collaboration with the Yukon Geological Survey, Simon Fraser University, the University of Alberta, and other partner companies.


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