The mining newspaper for Alaska and Canada's North

Brixton drills encouraging gold at Trapper

North of 60 Mining News - November 1, 2024

Latest assays include 2.25 meters of 18.5 g/t gold at the precious metals target on the Thorn copper-gold project.

Brixton Metals Corp. Oct. 30 reported strong gold mineralization in two more holes drilled at the Trapper target on its Thorn project in the northwestern corner of British Columbia, about 55 miles (90 kilometers) northwest of Juneau, Alaska.

While much of the 2024 drilling at Thorn is focused on expanding the large body of porphyry mineralization at Camp Creek and testing other similar copper-gold targets identified across the 2,945-square-kilometer (1,137 square miles) Thorn property, the program also included 2,746 meters of drilling in 11 holes to expand upon the epithermal gold mineralization at Trapper.

Trapper is an epithermal gold target lying along the Lawless Fault that is expressed at the surface as a roughly four-kilometer (2.5 miles) gold and zinc geochemical anomaly, which is a segment of a larger geochemical anomaly that extends to the enormous Camp Creek copper porphyry target about seven kilometers (4.4 miles) to the northwest.

Highlights from drilling completed at Trapper from 2021 to 2023 include:

139 meters averaging 2.14 grams per metric ton in hole THN21-186.

304.5 meters averaging 1.19 g/t gold in hole THN22-237.

398.3 meters averaging 0.95 g/t gold in hole THN22-243.

253 meters averaging 1.4 g/t gold in hole THN22-244.

This year's program at Trapper included infill and step-out drilling to test the extent and continuity of mineralization along the Lawless Fault zone that runs across the target.

Highlights from Trapper holes reported by Brixton earlier this month include:

254 meters averaging 0.48 g/t gold from a depth of six meters from a depth of 201 meters in hole THN24-300, including six meters averaging 4.19 g/t gold and 22.1 g/t silver.

216.8 meters averaging 0.25 g/t gold from a depth of 154 meters in hole THN24-303, including 11 meters averaging 2.34 g/t gold and 1.52 g/t silver.

227.5 meters averaging 0.5 g/t gold from a depth of 40 meters in hole THN24-304, including two meters averaging 44.43 g/t gold and 79.3 g/t silver.

The latest batch of assays from holes THN24-308 and THN24-309 which were drilled to test the continuity of gold mineralization between holes drilled in 2022. Highlights include:

62 meters averaging 0.71 g/t gold from a depth of 11 meters in hole THN24-308, including nine meters averaging 1.64 g/t gold and 4.15 g/t silver.

77.2 meters averaging 0.9 g/t gold from a depth of 184.8 meters in hole THN24-308, including 2.25 meters averaging 18.5 g/t gold and 22.3 g/t silver.

28 meters averaging 0.7 g/t gold from a depth of 19 meters in hole THN24-309, including six meters averaging 1.24 g/t gold and 4.7 g/t silver.

"We're pleased with the recent drill results which reveal encouraging gold grades and align well with our exploration model," said Brixton Metals Vice President of Exploration Christina Anstey. "These results strengthen our understanding of the mineralization in the area and support our strategy to unlock further potential through continued drilling."

Author Bio

Shane Lasley, Publisher

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Over his more than 16 years of covering mining and mineral exploration, Shane has become renowned for his ability to report on the sector in a way that is technically sound enough to inform industry insiders while being easy to understand by a wider audience.


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